Many of you have been asking about the Covid-19 outbreak in Ethiopia. We are fortunate that so far the novel Coronavirus has been spreading slowly in Ethiopia. However, in recent days the number of new confirmed cases as been rising at an increased rate.
Since the first confirmed case at the end of March, there have been 4000 confirmed cases and 65 deaths. Our sister company Horra Trading donated 4 Mio. ETB (117,000 USD) to the Ethiopian government as our country fights Corona virus.
As this article by the Financial Times reports, authorities prepared quarantine places for 50,000 people, but most were not needed yet. Ethiopia has so far avoided the worst of the corona virus pandemic, why exactly is not clear. Instead of the lockdown measures which are common in the West, our country has built a sophisticated response with public messaging. For those who want to read more on the topic, we recommend the Financial Times article.
If you want to stay up to date about the spread of COVID-19 in Ethiopia, we recommend you follow our Ministry of Health on Twitter.
We look forward to welcoming you to Ethiopia after this pandemic has come to an end. Until then, we will continue to supply you with great quality coffee.